Revue de presse

Le MÉDAC, 2022-06-11

Chaque semaine, le Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) dresse une revue de presse des actualités du monde de la finance et de l’investissement, en vue de déterminer le thème à retenir pour la rédaction d’un texte.

  1. 2022-06-05 US investors rebel against high executive pay ― Patrick Temple-West, Financial Times
    1. 2022-05-27 Amazon Shareholders Narrowly Approve Pay Plans for Executives ― Matt Day, Bloomberg « Vote totals disclosed in a filing Friday show 56% of shareholders supported the company’s executive pay for 2021 »
    2. 2022-05-18 S&P 500 CEO Pay Proposals Face Growing Investor Disapproval ― ISS Insights
  2. 2022-06-08 Wall Street's top cop proposes massive changes to the stock market ― Allison Morrow, CNN Business
    1. 2022-06-08 “Market Structure and the Retail Investor:” Remarks Before the Piper Sandler Global Exchange Conference ―  Gary Gensler, SEC
  3. 2022-06-07 An Early Look at the 2022 Proxy Season — Hannah Orowitz, Rajeev Kumar, and Lee Anne Hagel, Georgeson LLC, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance
  4. 2022-06-09 Regulatory Solutions: A Global Crackdown on ESG Greenwash ― ISS Insights
    1. 2022-05-22 Statement on ESG Disclosures Proposal ― Gary Gensler, SEC
  5. 2022-06-11 Stakeholder Capitalism and ESG as Tools for Sustainable Long-Term Value Creation — Martin Lipton, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz


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