Revue de presse

Le MÉDAC, 2022-04-08

Chaque semaine, le Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) dresse une revue de presse des actualités du monde de la finance et de l’investissement, en vue de déterminer le thème à retenir pour la rédaction d’un texte.

  1. 2022-04-04 Number of ESG proposals so far this year is up 25% over 2021, says Broadridge CEOCNBC Television…
    1. ProxyVoteTM Mobile App ― Broadridge…
    2. e-Voting and Telephone Voting ― Computershare…
  2. 2022-04-01 SEC Announces ESG as Examination PriorityThe National Law Review…
    1. 2022-03-30 SEC Division of Examinations Announces 2022 Examination Priorities ― SEC…
  3. 2022-03-31 How to Translate Climate Disclosure into Investor ActionColumbia Law School « First, they confirm the SEC’s intuition that investors have a keen interest in, and sensitivity to, climate-related information. Second, our sample indicates that climate-conscious investment is no longer the privilege of affluent idealists […] Third, and perhaps most important, the kinds of climate ratings we study are available now, without the need for regulatory intervention»…
    1. 2022-04-04 Rapport — GIEC « Depending on national contexts, investors and financial intermediaries, central banks, and financial regulators can support climate action and can shift the systemic underpricing of climate climate-related risk by increasing awareness, transparency and consideration of climate-related risk, and investment opportunities. »…
    2. 2022-04-04 Chairman & CEO Letter to Shareholders — Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan) « Despite the growth in well-intended climate pledges from governments and companies, the world is well short of meeting its net zero emissions goals by 2050. […] There is no silver bullet to meet the world’s energy and climate goals. But we can start by prioritizing emissions reductions, developing meaningful short- and long-term goals and crafting innovative policy solutions. »…
    3. AAA 2022 des banques :
      1. 2022-04-07 RBC CEO says ‘orderly transition’ to net-zero crucial amid criticism of climate planToronto Star…
      2. 2022-04-07 Royal Bank CEO calls for ‘orderly’ climate transition amid criticism ― James Bradshaw, The Globe and Mail « The bank’s shareholders also rejected a proposal to introduce an annual vote on its climate strategy. Banks have opposed say-on-climate votes, which would be similar to existing, non-binding shareholder votes on executive compensation practices. On Thursday, only 20 per cent of votes supported adopting a say-on-climate policy at RBC, and the same proposal failed by similar margins at meetings held by Bank of Nova Scotia and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce this week. »…
      3. 2022-04-06 Greenpeace throws Scotiabank a climate action party as shareholders reject advisory voting on environmental plan, targets ― Morgan Sharp, National Observer…
  4. 2022-04-04 Materiality in Recent SEC Comments on Climate DisclosureHarvard Law School…
  5. 2022-04-04 CEO Pay Heads for Record as Pandemic RecedesWall Street Journal…
    1. 2022-03-28 Prices are going up, and CEOs are making out like bandits — CNN « Corporate boards decide executive pay, which is a mix of salary, bonuses and other benefits tied to various financial goals. But these boards are often stacked with executives or former executives from other companies who benefit from the system. Critics of excessive executive pay often note those shareholders are unlikely to rock the boat, especially when profits are soaring. »…
    2. 2022-03-28 Biden budget plan seeks to add corporate buyback restrictions — Reuters « Executives who receive compensation in the form of stock awards and options can benefit when share repurchases cause a stock price to go up. »…
  6. 2022-04-07 Slovenia Unveils Plan for Flat Tax on Crypto Transactions ― Coindesk (Yahoo! News)…
    1. 2022-04-07 Two New Territories Are Adopting Bitcoin ― Forbes…
  7. 2022-04-07 Ces banques russes qui, depuis Chypre ou le Luxembourg, continuent d'opérer en Europe ― Les Echos (site web) « Depuis longtemps, Chypre est considérée comme une région de la Russie, confirme un membre de l'écosystème financier russe. C'est une zone utile pour immatriculer des holdings actives hors de Russie, qui nécessitent un compte bancaire. Ici, il y a le bénéfice de la protection juridique des actionnaires, contrairement à Moscou »…
  8. 2022-40-07 SEC upholds shareholder proposal on Amazon’s tax transparency ― Pensions Age…
    1. 2021-12-17 Amazon shareholders call for tax disclosures - adviser ― Reuters « Greater Manchester Pension Fund and the Oblate International Pastoral (OIP) Investment Trust have filed a shareholder proposal urging Amazon to implement the new GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Tax Standard, including public country-by-country reporting of financial, tax and worker information. »…


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